Holiday Break Links

I got started making 6 dozen sugar cookies this morning and then realized I forgot to do a final post for the year. Like a lot of people, I’ll be back in January (and I’m gonna do some serious damage to those sugar cookies).

1. A perfect short exercise in nostalgia, about the LifeSavers Storybook candy: Deep Feelings for Small Longings

2. Anne Helen Petersen on the themes of the year (with bonus links!)

3. The most accurate year in review I’ve ever seen (via):

4. So much yes (via):

We All Need Therapy Squirrel

It’s almost Christmas, 2022 is coming up and it feels like a bad reboot of 2020, the anniversary of my mom’s death is in January…there is a LOT going on right now in the feelings department.

This is why we need to take a minute and a half and listen to…a squirrel hand puppet on TikTok? Yes we do. Take whatever feels heavy right now and whisper it in his fuzzy ear. Honestly, it will help.


@squirrel_dialoguesAre you carrying something heavy? ##mentalhealth ##healingtiktok ##mindfulness ##selflove ##selfcare ##nonviolence ##acceptance

♬ original sound – Squirrel

Wednesday Project Roundup: Power Suit

Back before the pandemic, my friends surprised me with a Stonemountain gift card when I was having a bad day at work. I used it to buy some leopard print ponte with the plan of making a two piece suit to interview in–the power suit that would get me a new job.

Back in November, my agency got sold. Things are weird, but cautiously better with the new owner? He wanted to do an agency Christmas party. He spent a good amount of time in an all-hands meeting talking about what to wear to the party (cocktail attire) and said he’d be wearing a suit.


I pulled out the ponte and the patterns I’d had printed out for nearly two years and made a suit in a week:


It sounds impressive, but this wasn’t actual tailoring, of course–ponte is a knit and the pattern I used (the Evans Blazer from Hey June Handmade) was unlined, so it went fast. I tried to do some nice finishes inside but I also serged and topstiched a lot of seams down. (The pants were my standby Greenstyle Brassie Joggers, which I’ve made upwards of 20 times now, so they went fast too.)


This didn’t really fit the definition of “cocktail attire” for women but 1.) I’m not about to wear spaghetti straps around my coworkers and 2.) I refuse to be cold or uncomfortable any more for dressy events. Also 3.) screw your gender norms, if dudes can wear a suit, so can I.

I had fun making it, I had fun wearing it, and now I have a power suit JUST IN CASE I still need a new job.

Happy Solstice

(Art by Gottess on Instagram)

We made it to the darkest day, which means it’s only going to get lighter from here. Light a candle, build Stonehenge, read this bit from the Modern Women newsletter:

This is a time to pause and to catch up to yourself, wherever you may be. Without judgment. With acceptance. With third-eye sight, sharpened by the stillness.

See in the dark, feel into all the messages the emptiness brings.
Gather up all the repeated complaints and yearnings, throw them all in the fire that needs to burn up this year. Make a promise to do something different, as soon as you’ve rested and restored, as much as you can.

Next year at this time, you’ll be someone different.

Friday Links

Double links for the week! I don’t know about you, but that’s about all the attention my brain has left at the end of the year.

1. Swole Woman got laid off from her job as a journalist, started a newsletter, got certified as a personal trainer, and now has a starting strength program: Couch to Barbell. She’s the reason I started lifting; if you’re wondering if you could do it and don’t want to hire a personal trainer, check it out. (Spoiler: you can do it!)


2. Give me all the archaic and specific words:


3. Someone made a movie about my life right now:


Happy Birthday To My Love

It’s Doc’s birthday today! Look at this man that I was lucky enough to meet and even luckier to get to spend nearly 8 years learning about and loving:

He is the safest person I know, and I’m not the only one who feels that way: coworkers confide in him, his niece and nephew ask his advice about things they wouldn’t ask their parents, friends count on him checking in. He’s an ally to anyone on the outside and he will call people out when he sees them being shitty to someone vulnerable.

He’s taught me so much about being open and actually communicating in a relationship. (I mean, I’m still learning, but he’s willing to let me learn.) He has great taste in fabric, wears clothes so well, and has the slyest, quickest sense of humor I’ve ever encountered. I just feel lucky every day that I get to spend time with him. Happy birthday, honey! I love you.

Tuesday Project Roundup: Friend Fleece

After she saw Doc’s Catagonia, my friend (who just adopted 2 more kittens) asked me to make one just like it for her son’s 11th birthday in January. Her own birthday was yesterday so while I was buying fleece over Thanksgiving, I saw this new arrival and thought, “Make one for her and mail them together!” And so I did:

This is Joann’s Blizzard Fleece in an amazing “Mod Cat” print. It’s their lightest weight but that worked out, since my friend lives in a warm climate. I finished the sleeves and hem with foldover elastic and used some Snap Source cap snaps I had, since KAM Snaps didn’t have an exact color match. (Of course I had to use some of that custom label order, too.)

My friend was so surprised and pleased when this was delivered Saturday–and I was so relieved it fit!

Monday Links

Let’s mix things up!

1. Start your week with some DISCO WORLD CHAMPIONS from 1979:

2. Did you love the movie Dune? Of course you did. If you haven’t memorized the books, this “Dune annotated” post gives a lot of good context (and it’s funny):

You couldn’t pay me to live in a vast desert dotted with non-native palm trees, wracked by feudal-level inequality, and beset by valuable powdered drugs. But enough about Los Angeles, folks!


3. This is Toby and I’m the interviewer: