Friday Links

1. Ezra Klein has a pep talk about the first few weeks of this “being in a clown car going 250 mph off a cliff” presidency:

If you’re always consumed by the next outrage, you can’t look closely at the last one. The impression of Trump’s power remains; the fact that he keeps stepping on rakes is missed. The projection of strength obscures the reality of weakness. Don’t believe him.
[…] Trump is acting like a king because he is too weak to govern like a president. He is trying to substitute perception for reality. He is hoping that perception then becomes reality. That can only happen if we believe him.


2. Meanwhile, people are out there making the world a better place, fighting the power and/or and compiling a dictionary of every IKEA product name and its meaning.


3. Happy Valentine’s Day!
(from artist Sarah Epperson)

Bonus Arts & Crafts: Panda Purse

I’ve been trying to do more things offline (I WONDER WHY) and last week I sewed up this coin purse kit I requested for Christmas. Pandas! Kits! Little pouches and bags! All of these things are my catnip.


The kit is from PopSewing and it had everything you’d need, down to a thimble. The tutorial was a video but the stitching was simple. Looking at the pictures, I assumed it would use a backstitch, but it was a real double needle saddle stitch, so that was cool.

This took a couple hours all told and went really smoothly–no issues pushing the needle through or with anything lining up. A successful arts-and-crafts-instead-of-doomscrolling session.

Tuesday Project Roundup: The Annual Vest

I liked the green fuzzy vest I made last year from a PetiteKnit pattern so much, I made a red fuzzy vest from a PetiteKnit pattern this year:

My camera’s having a hard time picking up how RED it is. And it’s even fuzzier than last year’s version (more mohair in the yarn)!

When you can’t wear wool but like the look of mohair, vests are really where it’s at.



Well, just a week after the gloomy hike, we got a sunny and gorgeous day. We could probably draw a metaphor for life from this, but just enjoy all the different blues instead:

Friday Links

1. Well here’s an argument for not posting through it: You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism. This is a great point!

“More recently, researchers have found that the viral outrage disseminated on social media in response to these ridiculous claims actually reduces the effectiveness of collective action. The result is a media environment that keeps us in a state of debilitating fear and anger, endlessly reacting to our oppressors instead of organizing against them.”


2. We can still knit through fascism, though.

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3. “February is the worst month of the year. But it’s an honest month.” But remember, “If you can live through February, you’ll live another year.” (Remember this guy?)

Posting Through It

I guess we might have to look at the devil’s butthole for an honest-to-god coup attempt? I don’t know, friends. On Monday, I read this email from Ryan Broderick and thought, “Oh, this is bad.” And it didn’t get better!

As Rusty Foster wrote the next day, “Every coup has a period where the people perpetrating it are breaking the law, and either they will succeed in taking over the apparatus of the state and change the law, or not. Right now we’re in the period of uncertainty, as we have been for at least five days, and the longer that uncertainty stretches out, the more exposed these criminals are. ”

Yet…here we are on Thursday and Elon’s Shitler Youth* still have access to pretty much everything? In the words of Jezebel, “What the fuck are Democrats doing?” It’s almost like both parties are funded by the same billionaires or something and are OK with whatever is happening as long as their portfolios make more money. Coups probably don’t affect the ruling class as much!, my usual site for cool humanities stuff, is exclusively posting about the Incel Coup* attempt until it’s overcome or every blogger gets sent to reeducation camps on Mars. Wired has excellent coverage, too.

I know reading about this all is choosing to look at the grossest, puckeriest devil’s butthole imaginable, but this could decide the rest of our lives. Get informed, and then get organized.

And keep posting through it, I guess.

*not my term, but I don’t remember where I saw it now.

Wednesday Poem

This one reminds me a little of one of my favorites by Naomi Shahib Nye–it has that same idea that people are fundamentally OK. Lord knows I need to hear this lately; also, “the icing on this flaming trash cake hurtling through the ether” is absolutely perfect.

(Because I had to look it up: Eschatology is “the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.”)


by Eve L. Ewing

i’m confident that the absolute dregs of possibility for this society,
the sugary coffee mound at the bottom of this cup,
our last best hope that when our little bit of assigned plasma implodes 
it won’t go down as a green mark in the cosmic ledger,
lies in the moment when you say hello to a bus driver 
and they say it back—

when someone holds the door open for you 
and you do a little jog to meet them where they are—

walking my dog, i used to see this older man 
and whenever I said good morning, 
he replied ‘GREAT morning’—

in fact, all the creative ways our people greet each other
may be the icing on this flaming trash cake hurtling through the ether. 

when the clerk says how are you 
and i say ‘i’m blessed and highly favored’ 

i mean my toes have met sand, and wiggled in it, a lot. 
i mean i have laughed until i choked and a friend slapped my back.
i mean my niece wrote me a note: ‘you are so smart + intellajet’

i mean when we do go careening into the sun, 

i’ll miss crossing guards ushering the grown folks too, like ducklings 
and the lifeguards at the community pool and
men who yelled out the window that they’d fix the dent in my car, 
right now! it’d just take a second—

and actually everyone who tried to keep me alive, keep me afloat, 
and if not unblemished, suitably repaired.

but I won’t feel too sad about it,
becoming a star 

Tuesday Project Roundup: Think Green

I sewed up the souvenir fabric I (finally) found at Stonemountain right away–mostly because I’m, uh, out of fabric storage space but also because I wanted a lighter layer as we inch towards spring.

This is the Marlo Sweater from True Bias, last made in 2021 (and modeled in the hallway mirror back then, too):

The fabric was a find in the Stonemountain sale attic, an organic cotton deadstock from Amour Vert. It’s beautiful quality but there was a running flaw about 2/3 across the width, so I got an extra half yard and cut around it.

I know the green and white could read “Christmas elf” to a lot of people but to me, it’s giving “Bermuda tennis club awning.” If only we had weather to match that vibe.


You know things are dire when even a hike can’t help you entirely shake the existential dread. We never regret getting out, but there were very few moments where we stopped to enjoy the beauty and a lot more moments of wading through slush and post-holing into the snow.

But the air was clean and the forest smelled good, even if it was gray. And we weren’t on the internet for a couple hours!