2019 Sewing Plans

The 2018 Make Nine challenge was my first time really planning out projects; it was helpful to think about the year as a whole, what I needed in my closet, and what interested me to sew. With that said, I got distracted by new projects a fair amount too, and of course made more than nine things.

Part of my lack of focus last year was, um, buying a lot of fabric for future projects, so my 2019 Make Nine will use fabric I already have. I’m not going to say, “I won’t buy any new fabric in 2019” or anything crazy like that, but considering I have six additional cuts not shown here, I’m going to try to sew from my stash for a little bit.

So here’s what’s planned, in no particular order:

#1 is another Archer button up in ikat from Stonemountain, which my friend bought for me last year while she was in Berkeley. (FaceTiming someone through a fabric store = true friendship.)


#2 is an Ogden Cami in sold-out-everywhere Anna Maria Horner rayon. I found just over a yard on eBay last summer and have been hoarding it. 


#3 and #4 are a couple of Linden Sweatshirts, in fleece I indigo dyed in 2017 and some textured doubleknit from Stonemountain. I think these will be easy work outfits with wide-leg pants and cool boots.


#5 is a long sleeve version of the vintage jumpsuit I made last year, in Kokka abstract twill from Stonemountain again. (I’m just gonna say, Stonemountain knows what they’re doing when they include coupons for your next order with your current order…)


#6 is hopefully a Toaster Sweater #2–this is amazing merino sweatshirt fleece from an order from The Fabric Store in January last year. I’m going to test it out in Polarfleece first to see if I like the neckline; if it all works out I’ll have a new loungewear top, too.


#7 is the Silvia Coatigan from Schnitten Patterns (I have the pattern ready but need to print the instructions). I’m going to gamble and not make a muslin; my fabric is a wool/acrylic tweed from Fabric.com and lining from JoAnn, so nothing’s too precious.


#8 (and maybe #9; see next project) is another couple of Nikko Tops (the long sleeve version), in black rayon microrib and toffee cotton from Stonemountain’s Black Friday sale.


And finally, #9 will hopefully be a lengthened Tamarack Jacket in this astonishing double gauze I bought last year. My only hesitation is I’m not 100% in love with the neckline of the Tamarack I made in 2017 (Grainline crewnecks are generally too low for my taste); I love this fabric so much that I want it to be perfect. So I’ll ponder alterations and maybe a muslin and we’ll see.


And there you have it! Nine things that I have the fabric and patterns for, in an accidentally-cohesive color palette. (Bob Ross colors forever!)