Wednesday Project Roundup: Xanadu!

Please allow me to share many photos from a shoot Doc indulged me with for an Instagram challenge, because they are some of my favorite photos of myself EVER:

Skates! Pink and orange! Ombre! Pegasus earrings! Magic light! SHINY!!

The Instagram challenge was to sew something to skate in and use the hashtag #sewandroll. I dithered for a long time about participating, but about two days before the challenge I was at JoAnn and saw their dance spandex and realized I had the ideal pattern:

This is the pattern I added pants to for that dino print jumpsuit, but for this I made view B as drafted. I cut the fabric crosswise to preserve the ombre fade, which meant I had to add a seam to the center back, but that was the only “tricky” part.

I had a great time making this and modeling it–many thanks to Doc, who is truly a talented photographer and made the shoot really fun and relaxed. We’ll see if I wear it again. Maybe disco night at the roller rink? (Assuming we can ever do things in a crowd again, of course.)

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