Wednesday Project Roundup: Xanadu!

Please allow me to share many photos from a shoot Doc indulged me with for an Instagram challenge, because they are some of my favorite photos of myself EVER:

Skates! Pink and orange! Ombre! Pegasus earrings! Magic light! SHINY!!

The Instagram challenge was to sew something to skate in and use the hashtag #sewandroll. I dithered for a long time about participating, but about two days before the challenge I was at JoAnn and saw their dance spandex and realized I had the ideal pattern:

This is the pattern I added pants to for that dino print jumpsuit, but for this I made view B as drafted. I cut the fabric crosswise to preserve the ombre fade, which meant I had to add a seam to the center back, but that was the only “tricky” part.

I had a great time making this and modeling it–many thanks to Doc, who is truly a talented photographer and made the shoot really fun and relaxed. We’ll see if I wear it again. Maybe disco night at the roller rink? (Assuming we can ever do things in a crowd again, of course.)

Sunday In The Park With Skates

We watched 1979’s classic Roller Boogie Friday night, a work of genius. Here, enjoy the trailer which does indeed feature Cher singing “Hell On Wheels“:


Skate movies make me want to practice my tricks so we headed to the park Sunday afternoon. I still can’t do the things I want to do (jumps, turn around all the way and keep skating) but I’m getting there!



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Park Skate!

Doc had the brilliant idea of combining our park outing with some skating for me Friday night. Our closest park has an area of blacktop that must be intended for little kids to practice bike skills. Turns out, it’s also great to practice skate skills:


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Don’t worry, I still remember how to do my one trick:



Please note Toby supervising the basement rink

Best. Birthday present. Ever.


We’re going to the rink tomorrow! I’ve already been practicing the basics!

Next Hobby

I went roller skating last week for the first time in about 30 years. Not two days later, I’d told Doc I wanted a pair of skates for my birthday and that I wanted my birthday present early. I’ve found roller skate Instagram (with instructional videos!) and a whole YouTube channel with how-to’s:


My skates should get here tomorrow so I’m getting ready to practice my superskater and my bubbles. (I knew there was a reason we hadn’t finished the basement yet.)