Tuesday Project Roundup: Where’s My AARP Discount? Edition

Projects are still continuing here at Chez Crafty; they’re just going a little more slowly now that I want to be outside, have to control the snail plague in my garden (more on that tomorrow), and need to learn how to ride a bike again (yeah).

I’m working on a denim dress that should be finished soon, but I’m much more excited about the next project in line: finding a use for some truly awesome vintage fabric my grandmother in Nebraska gave me.

Here’s the fabric:
(Approximate time from laying down of fabric to arrival of cat: 2.2 seconds)

And here’s what I’m considering making with it:
It’s a robe/housedress from what looks like the very early 70’s, to put on in the morning and putter around the house in. I could even make a matching headscarf! (Hey, I already wear muumuus; I might as well embrace my inner 80-year-old.)

My only reservation is that a robe wouldn’t get as much public wear time as a dress, and that’s a shame because the fabric is SO fabulous. So I’m still considering.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Project Roundup: Where’s My AARP Discount? Edition

  1. I LOVE the fabric (and cat, too!)…I really think you should make a dress out of it. It is too wonderful NOT to be seen in!

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