Tuesday Project Roundup: Repeat Of A Sellout

Look, more baby stuff!

This is for a co-worker who adopted a baby boy after waiting a long time. I wanted to do something a little more than a hat or booties to mark the occasion, so another owl sweater it was.

This time I used superwash wool instead of wool-cotton, because the baby is in Park City instead of sunny Asheville, and I didn’t impose my love of color on the recipient quite as much. (I did get some contrasting blue eyes in, though.)

Who? who? Baby owls!

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Project Roundup: Repeat Of A Sellout

  1. I will make a baby just to get one of those sweaters. DO YOU HEAR THAT STEVE? WE ARE GOING TO GET US A BABY TO PUT IN AN OWL SWEATER.

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