After rescheduling the last project roundup because I didn’t want people to use their imagination about how cute this dress looks when being worn, I give you:A closet shot.
A dark and slightly blurry closet shot that doesn’t show the cute detail of the fabric or the nice dark brown buttons. It was a busy week.
I think this might be the Last Dress of the Season. I have fabric for one more, but my sewing mojo is gone and I’m not sure the weather will continue to be dress weather until I can get it finished. On to flannel shirts and more knitting, I guess.
In other seasonal news, this is what it looks like before I make the bed in the morning, when it’s not cold enough to run the heat in the whole apartment: Mr. Isbell and I have dubbed the quartz space heater tower “Minas Heatas,” because we’re Lord of the Rings geeks like that. Toby doesn’t call it anything but I think he loves it even more than me.
i callz it minas heatas toos!