It can’t be a birthday without a birthday shirt for Doc! (Literally, it can’t; he’s going to get shirts for the rest of our time together because he is so hard to shop for.) 

This year’s version is ikat from Stonemountain. I blame watching the new Queer Eye and hearing Tan mutter something like, “Why do straight men only wear plaid?” to get me to branch out a little for Doc. 

I used the trusty McCalls 6044 pattern with my redrafted one-piece sleeve and the tower sleeve vents from the Archer button up. This is either the eighth or ninth shirt for him from this pattern, so it all went together pretty easily. The snaps gave me a lot of grief, though–I ran out of time to order 18L size from Snap Source so struggled through setting some from JoAnn and it was terrible. Snap Source or bust from here on out. 

I also had some tension issues with my machine, which the light stitching on the dark fabric makes extra-noticeable. But I have to remember what my mom says: “You’ll never see it from the streamliner.” Doc says he likes it, he looks handsome in it, and it was made with love.