Friday Unrelated Information

1. These pictures have been all over the internet, but they’re just too good not to post. A macaque found a photographer’s camera, saw her reflection in the lens, and somehow managed to take a picture of herself (story and more pics here). Macaque attack!
2. There is a storm raging on Saturn that wraps all the way around its northern hemisphere. That’s a big storm. (More scientific details here.)

2 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. I haven’t read any of the books but I am looking forward to Daniel Craig in the US movie! I may have to read that first one before then. 🙂

  2. Your Anonymous friend here! I am by no means a literary genius, but thought I’d recommend some books to you since you enjoy reading. These have been on my mind since I just finished watching all 3 movies and am just now getting into the books. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo/The Girl Who Played with Fire/The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest.
    In my humble opinion, I thought the first movie (Tattoo) was awesome. The second and third ones are mediocre at best. They’re Swedish books and films. Apparently, they’re making American versions of the films. I hope they don’t ruin them, especially the first one.
    The author of the books is Stieg Larsson who has since passed away. Just a warning for the films, especially the first one: it is the most dark, graphic, and disturbing film I have ever seen. Yet I couldn’t take my eyes away. It captivated and haunted me. I guess if you wanted the full effect you could watch it by yourself in the dark.
    I can understand if these books and movies are too graphic for many people, so maybe you won’t like them. Or perhaps you’ve already heard of them and they do nothing for you. Just thought I’d throw a recommendation your way

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