1. Bring back the term mink brigade:  “The phrase was used … to describe women [strike supporters] whose dress and social status would give police pause in arresting them”


2. The phrasology in this article about the new Jack Reacher series! Now I need to watch this show.

Ritchson, already gigantic, put on 30 pounds to play the role properly and the result is a man who looks like someone took the four Hollywood Chrises, stacked two of them on top of one another, then stacked the remaining two on top of one another, and, finally, placed the two Chris-columns beside each other, wrapped the whole humongous cube up in a trench coat, and gave them Thanksgiving turkeys for hands.


3. It’s felt a little like this the last couple weeks–mostly work, but also the Christmas mental lists and kitchen stuff and fitting in the gym. Good thing the crafts will always be there.