Tuesday Project Roundup: Prints Charming

Groan! Sorry, I only have a pile of spring fabrics this week. The current project has to be turned into a tunic instead of a dress because of length and fit issues, so I wasn’t very excited to finish it Saturday.
But as soon as I can finish the now-a-tunic, I can make those pink flowers on top into a pencil skirt. The bottom fabric is for another skirt and the two in the middle will be dresses.

Tuesday Project Roundup: If You Get An Outfit You Can Be A Yogi, Too

When I wrote “Refresh my yoga skills” on my list of 30 Things, I never really did the math on when I actually last did yoga. Well, it turns out that “in college” doesn’t mean just a few years ago anymore, and after a decade without yoga I think I need to amend #9 to be “Learn yoga skills all over again.”

Fortunately, I have a way to carry my mat to class now, assuming I can make myself start going:

This was a fun, fast project made entirely of fabrics I had around the house. The pockets around the bottom, the strap, and the lining were left over from the pillows I made before Christmas, and the body fabric was a filing cabinet cover I made when I moved here that was recently retired in the Post-breakup Living Room Re-do of ’09.

I have to give special thanks to my crafty friend Kara, who inspired me with her bag last month and then suggested this pattern (a free Amy Butler download). Thanks, Kara!

Tuesday Project Roundup: One More For The Beach

I probably should have spent my time finishing a sweater to wear instead of sewing a spring tunic (the latest reports are predicting rain in California), but I used the trip as an excuse for some more Liberty of London fabric.
I made my favorite Simplicity pattern (for about the sixth time) and it was delightful to work with the Liberty print–so much color and detail.
I bought my fabric before I saw that Target was launching a similar print, so I hope no one asks me if I got it at Target. And I hope I can layer a sweater over the sleeves easily.

Tuesday Project Roundup: This Looks Like Another Vacation

Why yes, I am going on another quick trip in a couple of weeks–this time to the beach in California. (I haven’t traveled this much in two years. Poor Toby!) My oldest friend is also turning 30 and has arranged a beach house weekend for eight other people, with menus and itineraries and everything else planned. So the least I could do was make a new dress for the event:
This was one of the new Cynthia Rowley for Simplicity patterns and I have to say I like it a lot. Here’s a better idea of the fabric color (and my own lack thereof):

(While we’re on the subject…spray tans: Pro or con? I’m thinking con, but I don’t want to blind everyone in the group with my special shade of pale, either.)

Tuesday Project Roundup: More Experiments With Knits

After I found that fabulous navy wool jersey at such a great price, I had to order more “wool knit” from the same place. As it turns out, though, that’s a crucial difference in terms: You might picture wool jersey (i.e., t-shirt fabric) but if you order wool knit, you end up with something like the world’s nicest stretchy terrycloth. So I went with a novelty top.

This silk Anthropologie blouse had a similar shape to the pattern I used for the first Vegas dress, so I thought I’d go for a similar look, sans giraffe.

While I’m not sure how successful my copy is, it didn’t cost $228. That might be enough of a success right there.

Tuesday Project Roundup: Another Positive

Since I’m finding the silver lining of my far-from-successful trip to Las Vegas, here’s one more: I got to make another knit dress, this time with some really nice wool jersey.
(Please ignore the cat on a towel on the rug in the reflection.)

I used the pattern in the Sew U: Home Stretch book that taught me how to sew knits and I got the fabric from my favorite online discount place.
As I’ve mentioned before, I feel as chic in navy as I’m sure the hipsters and artists and designers feel in black. Plus, I don’t get bored sewing navy fabric and I always have to think of Coco Chanel. So a win all around, made possible by Las Vegas (ugh).

Tuesday Project Roundup: Viva Las Vegas

I have a trip to Las Vegas coming up with my friend from my stationery days, so of course I had to make some things to wear for it. As I reviewed my progress on the 29 Things at the end of 2009, I realized that I hadn’t sewn any knits since that spring. Knits + travel = easy packing and no wrinkles, so I made a couple of knit dresses.

Here’s the first, with some ordinary fabric from JoAnn (in case I was out of the habit of sewing knits). I used this pattern from Simplicity and, despite cutting the back a little crooked, it turned out pretty well.

The print reminds me of the old casino signs, so it’s perfect for fabulous Las Vegas.

Tuesday Project Roundup: Stacking The Deck

I started thinking about the 30 Things in December, and I have to admit that a couple of things were not only thought of but carried out in 2009. I was going to wait on Thing #7 (sew new pillows for the living room), but then I decided to have a New Year’s party and I had some time off and the brown pillows were just too much of an embarrassment. So here are the new ones:

I am so much happier with these, which don’t collect cat hair and have orange flowers and birds on them to boot. And I have a nice feeling of early accomplishment with my list, even if I did cheat a little.

And speaking of cheating, what’s this in the foreground of the rearranged living room? Thing #6, perhaps? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

Tuesday Project Roundup: The First Thing I Learned To Sew

I learned to sew in 4-H, as organized by my mother, when I was about 10, maybe younger. The first real project–after lots of sewing on paper without thread–was a drawstring bag. Twenty years later, here I am making drawstring bags again:

These are shoe bags and a lingerie bag, all meant to help with packing–so your packed clothes don’t get dirtied by your shoes and you can tell what’s been worn and what hasn’t. They were for my sister-in-law’s birthday last Saturday, which I forgot to mention here; she’s been traveling a lot so I thought this would be practical.

I have to admit that I didn’t remember my first 4-H bag training for these. I had to use an online tutorial to walk me through the first one, but it all came back for the next two. (Granted, it’s a bag, not rocket science, but I tend to cling to directions so I was happy to just cut and sew by the end.)

Tuesday Project Roundup: Let’s Hear It For Four-Day Weekends

I got so much done over the weekend: Finished a knitted accessory that was supposed to be a gift but won’t fit the intended recipient (I’ll try again); started over on a new pair of Twilight mittens for myself (Twilight, I wish I could quit you); sewed something secret for a holiday gift; sewed my Liberty peacock-print dress; and finished the beige cardigan.

Here’s the dress:

And here’s the cardigan:

Funny thing about the cardigan–I re-did the front three times to get it perfect. Then I got to the knitted border and collar and I used a smaller needle so it wouldn’t droop. I over-compensated, though, so the border came out a little short and tight, which is why the bottom flips up in that little diamond fold. I told myself that I like the “adapted” shape–and I do–but it’s not how it’s supposed to be. I may end up re-doing the border…I’ll wear it first and see.