My nephew Skyler is two years old today! It’s hard to believe that just a year ago he was starting to walk, and that he outgrew his first Hawaiian shirt 20 months ago. He obviously needed another aloha shirt, so I made him one for his birthday.
What do you think, Skyler?
Speaking of making things for the Most Darling Nephew Ever, remember how my dad learned how to make balloon animals for Skyler? Look what Dad made for the Nemo-themed party last Saturday:
“But wait, there’s more!”
Amazing! It gets even better, though. My dad even made one of the party games, a bean bag toss: made the frame, cut the holes, and painted it. (My sister-in-law sewed the bean bags.)
I think it’s fitting that I gave Skyler art supplies for his “fun” present (because who wants a shirt when you’re two?). I don’t think he can avoid making things in this family.