Tuesday Project Roundup: Weird Easter Shirt

Behold, my Easter outfit. What says “resurrection” better than skeleton ghosts?


This is the Daughter Judy Patterns Genra Shirt. I’d actually bought the pattern before the Worship Jeans and made the long sleeve version last year. It didn’t get blogged or worn because it felt too dressy, so earlier this year I hacked the sleeves off at the elbow and had an aha! moment. With short sleeves, this feels really cool and casual. In a SPRINGTIME SKELETON print, it feels awesome:


I haven’t been buying new fabric this year, but when I saw Miss Matatabi had this rayon plus anĀ  insane cat print for Matt, I smashed that “buy” button. The rayon was expensive but the quality is wonderful–matte and opaque but so fluid. I think a drapey fabric makes this pattern shine:


There are some lovely Daughter Judy details, too, like the longer hem in the back and great instructions for finishing the side seams. I need to go back to not buying new fabric but there are a couple other [non-skeleton] drapey pieces in my stash that might become Genra Shirts next.