When I said yesterday that the weekend included “planning a sewing project,” I really meant, “For the love of Pete, I’ve been trying to cut this thing out since Friday.”
I blame the perfect weather lately (and lots of job change paperwork and loose ends). But tonight is the night! I will cut out this vacation fabric and maybe next week it will be another peplum top. It’s been two months since I finished a project–I think it’s time for real Project Roundups to come back.
June 3, 2014 @ 6:55 pm
oh I can’t wait to see! It’s going to be LOVELY 🙂
you must try the no-waist peplum top. I know it has princess seams… but if you do the SBA for A, it’s EASIER than set-in sleeves, I PROMISE! and how nice not to have that extra seam… you can add a belt and not worry if it’s hiding the seam-line. Tell you what, I’ll do yours if you do mine 😉