Tuesday Project Roundup: Slow Beginning

Remember how I was going to sew a cape during my winter vacation? Yeah, I do too. But I do have a good start–a test muslin and the lining cut out:


Why such a slow beginning? Tracing off the pattern took a few hours and then, when I went to make the muslin, I discovered that the smallest size available, that I’d traced, was too big. Luckily my friend had somehow found a digital version of the pattern that had a wider range of sizes (it’s an internet mystery) so she printed it out for me. Then I had to tape that together, cut everything out again,  re-make the muslin, and draft the lining I’m adding, too.

So really, I’ve made this twice already; I should be pleased at how far I’ve come. But I just found out we’re on mandatory overtime at work (including weekends) for the next couple weeks, so I hope I can get this done while it’s still winter.