Tuesday Project Roundup: Neither Cape Nor Quilt

I sat down for a few hours over the weekend and actually sewed something for myself! I’m using an exclamation mark because I think the last time that happened it was mid-2012! It’s yellow! It’s not a cape, though. (I can’t decide to really go for that or not.)

Neither is it a t-shirt quilt, which I need to make for a friend in the next few months. I’m talking about it here to keep me accountable (I’ve have the t-shirts since mid-2012, as well).

So what is it? Vogue 8815, which the fashion world is calling a “peplum top.” The pattern doesn’t lie about it being “Very Easy, Very Vogue”–I just need to finish the neckline and armholes and hem it and it’s done!



Also, it’s yellow.
