Tuesday Project Roundup: More Polka Dots!

Finally, here are some halfway-decent photos of the vintage-style blouse I made a couple of weeks ago. It was fast and fun but I made it in cheap polyester print from JoAnn, so I think that is making me like it less than I would if I had made it in something a little nicer.

I do love the button-back detail, though. I have to thank this sewing blog for telling me how to put on a button-back blouse by yourself (button the middle two buttons and pull it over your head, then reach up and down to get the top and bottom ones). Genius! Who says living alone is inconvenient?

One final note: I debated looking for an actual vintage pattern, rather than paying full price for a new one, but then I read that the pattern manufacturer donates a portion of all sales to Ally Cat Allies. Sold!

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Project Roundup: More Polka Dots!

  1. That button method is so genius! Why didn’t I think of that?

    I think it turned out real cute. But I love anything that looks vintage and is in polka dots.

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