Tuesday Project Roundup: Clearing The Decks

I have a couple projects for other people coming up (finishing the quilt and a request from my brother) and I want to try to sneak in The Last Dress of Summer, so I wrapped up someĀ  projects that were sitting around.

I was able to finish the Liberty tank from a month ago, and for all my agonizing over the fit*, it turned out pretty well:

And I needed a little bag to contain items in my purse, since I lost the one I’d been using for the last ten years (along with my sunglasses; clearly I need to start zipping up my purse). So I used some scraps from past projects, which were newly organized and accesible thanks to the sewing room re-do from a couple weeks ago.


*I think sewing is a lot like writing for me–the longer it takes and the more you have to fuss with it (make revisions), the more convinced you become that what you’re creating is garbage. Then you finally finish and read or wear it and think, “You know, that’s actually pretty good!”

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