I got the feeling on Friday (get it, James Brown fans?) to ignore my dirty windows and screens and to work on a new bag instead. I’ve made purses for myself before, but have always been a little dissatisfied with how they turned out–too small, the zipper looked lumpy, the interfacing didn’t bond right, etc.
But I got so sick of carrying an old bag that I bought in the days of credit (that I probably just paid off) that I decided to try again. And it turned out well: It’s big enough to hold a bottle of wine, my minimum size requirement (putting wine in a purse happens more than you’d think); there’s a magnetic snap instead of a zipper; and the interfacing is just fine.
Toby likes it, too. Although he prefers his grocery bag.
Of course Toby likes it; the bag features a conspiciously toby-centric color scheme.