He Wasn’t Really Dancing

I mentioned Dancing Cats Feline Health Center on Friday, and at the risk of telling yet another cat story, I have to mention it again today. Toby had to go there last Wednesday for an eye infection; they were really nice; he didn’t mind being there (until they tried to take his temperature); and he got eye drops to clear things up.

But the drops weren’t clearing things up, so I left a message Saturday morning when they were closed, thinking I wouldn’t hear back from them over the weekend. But only an hour later the vet called and had me come in to get oral antibiotics, and called again yesterday to see if they were working. (Fortunately, they were, because it wasn’t fun for anyone involved to make sure Toby got eye drops and liquid medicine.)

But my point is: great vet, who remembers people by their cat’s name, who comes in on weekends to check messages, and who names her clinic Dancing Cats.

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