Tuesday Project Roundup: Belated Shirt

The new JoAnn store opened in my neighborhood about a year ago. My brother and sister-in-law went to check it out a little later, and my brother sent me a couple pics of prints from the quilting section. I offered to make them into shirts if he wanted to buy them…and here we are nearly 12 months later, with one finished:

I used Simplicity 3852, which I’d made for him before (seven years ago?!). I took a gamble that it would still fit, but sewed it with 1/2″ seam allowances instead of 5/8″ for a little more room, just in case. (It fits!)

I had a hell of a time fusing my interfacing–to the point I was ready to order a steam press and ended up throwing the rest of that interfacing yardage away–so I hope it stands up to washing ok.

Quilting cotton isn’t ideal for a garment but man does it take stitches well:

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