Reading For The Week

It’s that dead zone between Christmas and New Year’s at work, but the other writer is on vacation so I’m showing up in case of any emergencies. I’m trying to use the time to plan out 2018–what I want to sew, what I want to organize, what I really want to do this year and how to actually do it (versus just saying I want to do it).

In that last category, I’ve found two articles in the last week or so that really put it out there. I linked this one on the solstice but I keep coming back to the opening, so here it is:

Every time you say you want to do something but don’t, a little part of your trust in yourself dies. But nobody wants to feel untrustworthy.

That’s why there’s always an excuse.

The second article I’m reading doesn’t have quite so many “IT ME” moments but this related phrase stuck out:

The longer you pursue aims you aren’t 100% definite about, the less confidence you will have. Confidence and self-trust are the same thing. You can’t trust yourself if you have low standards for yourself. If you continue on paths you aren’t clear about, you demonstrate to yourself that you aren’t worth much, and that what you want isn’t something you should have.

(Apparently I send around enough inspiring “change your life links” this time of year that my buddy at work made a joke about “New Year Karen is back.” I guess the trick is to make that enthusiasm last past March.)