Last Links Of The Year

1. Speaking of goals for the New Year, maybe I should resolve to learn to skate like this:

2. I’ve seen a lot of places listing “powerful men acting badly [and being caught]” as part of why 2017 was so rough, but I consider those assholes finally seeing some consequences as one of the bright spots of the year. At the library I also got a collection of Peanuts cartoons from 1971-72  and, while I normally loathe Lucy tricking Charlie Brown with the football, this is fantastic (click twice for big):


3. There’s three days left in 2017. At the start of the year I wasn’t sure if we’d even make it this far without some sort of war, but here we are. We are also one quarter done with this trash fire of an administration. A lot of people have suffered under it and there’s so much to fight about, but hey! no nuclear bombs. I’m fine with setting a similarly low bar for 2018.