1. This video of men trying to follow a YouTube tutorial for eye makeup goes about as well as you’d expect, but I appreciated how it pointed out that eye makeup is tricky. (Disclaimer: I’m at about the skill level of the men in the video.)
2. The weather here turned dramatically this week–we went from highs in the 60s to highs below freezing. I put off a couple chores in the yard, which I regret, but it’s supposed to snow tomorrow. I guess I’ll have no choice but to do some sewing:
Huzzah for sewing weekends! I started a Burda pattern that has crappy instructions –I think it has to do with the translation from German to English. But now that I’ve worked it out, I discovered it’s super easy to make with a woven — no lining needed. And you can even skip the piping if you like.
Of course, I’m using this for an Anna Sui border print and making it hard on myself. And yes, I’m using piping. And putting in a lining. 🙂