Friday Unrelated Information

1. As much as I talk about wanting fancy hi-fis and home decor, all I really want is a house. A house that doesn’t require a roto-rooter visit every other month because the upstairs neighbor insists on using her defunct disposal for things like celery stalks and Chinese takeout. (Guess how I know what foods she’s trying to grind up! And guess what I’m doing this morning!)

2. Speaking of, I looked at my 2oth house this week (in person). I’m still holding out for one that’s north of 21st South, west of 13th East, and isn’t a fire hazard or a pit of asbestos. Do I ask too much for my price range? Perhaps. But I’m holding out.

3. I’m holding out for a hero, too.

3 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. Dumb video, but I’ve always liked that song. Excellent choice. 🙂

    And I’m with Kara. Don’t get too eager or desperate and end up in something you don’t really want. There’s no hurry.

  2. Bonnie Tyler makes everything better. Always hold out. You will know when you find it. There will be no talking yourself into a decision.

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