Film: If you haven’t seen WALL-E, go tonight. Please make sure the person at Pixar who put his job on the line to make such a dystopian, moving, adult film doesn’t lose it because the film tanks after the first few weekends. I still don’t know how they managed to get it released; it’s that good.
TV: I think I’m the only person here watching the new Battlestar Galactica, but if you’re tempted to start, just stop after season 2. We finished season 3 this week and all I can say is: A bad cover of All Along the Watchtower shouldn’t happen in space. That was really the final straw.
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People, People…
I honestly think we are all missing the point, which is:
*Bob Dylan is a Cylon*
Arg, indeed. I could accept pencils in space, piano wire in space, even a *stenographer* in space–but not Dylan lyrics.
They used the actual song? And had characters from another frickin’ star system QUOTE it? Arg.
See, that’s one of the things that bug me about what (admittedly little) I’ve seen of the new BSG: the connections to 20th/21st Century American culture are a too strong.
The original show hinted at connections between Earth cultures and the colonies with Egyptian-style helmets and such, but there was never any question that the characters on the show were from another world. The new show, on the other hand, features people in perfectly ordinary business suits and the president’s ship is painted to resemble Air Force One.
I think science fiction in general has lost something in the last 30 years… it’s like we’re no longer capable of imagining anything that’s too “far out” — it all has to look like the here-and-now. Sad…
Don’t remind me that the writers actually had the characters QUOTE FROM THE SONG.
“There must be some kinda way off this show
Said the Cylon to the Chief
There’s just too much confusion
I can’t get no relief”