Dilemma Plus Kitty ‘Tocks

Remember when I wanted a dog this time last year? Right when I was starting a new job and my co-habitation situation was spiraling out of control and I was making up imaginary boyfriends? Yeah, good times.

This year is much better, but I’ve been playing with the idea of a cat. I don’t need one for the company–I have a very nice human for company now–but it would be, firstly, a kitty that would purr and be cute, and, secondly, a sort of “gravy” to a good situation. (Kind of like the [in]famous Crosby Stills Nash and Young song “Our House.”) There are lots of adult cats (orange ones, too!) who need the quiet, indoor home I could give them, and I’ve grown up with cats so I know what they entail.

But. I know that taking on responsibility for something that’s alive should have more motivation than song lyrics. And I don’t really know how I would choose: I’ve been looking on Petfinder.com and think I need to see one in person, but I know that going to a shelter would be so paralyzing for me that I wouldn’t be able to decide, because I couldn’t take them all.

So maybe I need to wait and look at Cute Overload in the meantime, which has a fine ‘Tocktober entry today:
Also, do you have “Our House” in your head now? I do.

2 thoughts on “Dilemma Plus Kitty ‘Tocks

  1. Dammit I said “no everything is easy” instead of “now everything is easy”….aghhh!

    That’s why they have that “preview your comment button”, huh?

  2. “…with two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard, no everything is easy cause of you…and…our….la la, la la la laaaaa la la la laaaaa la la la la la la la la laaa la”

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