After the Tuna Helper Incident last week, I haven’t strayed far from M.F.K. Fisher’s ideas about food–two nights ago it was lentil soup wth red wine and tomatoes, and last night it was a “classic potato gratin.” The ingredients: potatoes, heavy cream, a smashed garlic clove, salt and pepper, and cheese to spread on top so it gets crispy. I used Edam. If you have never had potato slices baked in heavy cream, run–don’t walk–to the kitchen and get going.
I’m blaming Madame Fisher for any weight gained this winter.
In other news, the address of Better Living Through Literature will be changing. Look for an announcement here by the end of the week. (I know all 4 of you who read this will want to update your bookmarks.)
At least someone is using my garden….
Why yes, they were. And I ate the other half of the baking dish of them at midnight last night. Damn, they were good.
Were they garden potatoes?