Writing Without Limits

I’m selling my old car on the local classifieds site and spent a week getting the ad written and tweaked and workshopped and proofread for maximum effect. Sure, it was pushing 600 words, but I wanted to sell with the heart! And disclose why this car is such a great buy! And the fun times we’d had together!

Can you see what’s coming?

I uploaded all that text into the classified listing last night, and thought, “Oh. That is just waaaaay too much copy and I look like a crazy person.”  So I did some edits on the fly, but I just can’t kill my darlings and let the old ad go. So here’s the text of the draft (masterpiece) and here’s the link to the actual listing to buy my car.

It’s still a little tldr but I can guarantee it’s the most-revised ad in the history of KSL.com.