Wednesday’s Film Recommendations

You might have heard that I spilled cereal on my laptop (my brother had to email and ask, “How exactly did that go down? ‘Hmm, computer, would you like to try some of this too?’ Or was it more of a throwing action?”). But on the bright side, I’ve seen a string of good movies lately, which has been some nice escapism.

I highly recommend The Darjeeling Limited; the short that begins it, “Hotel Chevalier,” will make you want to go to Paris and wear a hotel robe. I finally saw Little Miss Sunshine, on the recommendation of the same brother teasing me about the laptop, and that’s pretty fabulous, too. And last night—after a day involving video editing (I’m a copywriter, by the way; that’s all I’m saying), getting paperwork notarized for a credit card dispute (no, I did NOT charge $500 at, and all sorts of other issues—I watched The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou again. There’s just something about watching someone else’s crisis on film.

(Actually, I suppose that something would be catharsis. So watch these three good cathartic movies in case you’ve had a bad week, too.)

3 thoughts on “Wednesday’s Film Recommendations

  1. Back in the days of film class, I remember being intrigued by Umbrellas and catching part of it on a cable channel. I didn’t get much past the beginning.

    I think I’d do better now, because I’d watch it for the colors and the fashion. It might go on the list.

    But yes, it’s all sung. Every. Single. Word.

  2. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Or Les Parapluies de Cherbourg if you prefer.

    It’s not cathartic but it’s a genuinely beautiful and artistic film. And it’s entirely sung. In French. There’s not one word of spoken dialogue in the whole film.

    It can be hard to find at video shops, especially on DVD. But the Hollywood Video on Redwood and 90th has it on VHS- at least they did four years ago.

    I highly recommend you search it out anywhere you can find it. And do let us know what you think of it.

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