I don’t have anything ready to show today–apparently, using the internet to look for houses and furnishing said houses in your imagination takes up a lot of time in the evenings. (Come on, that is SO productive!)
I do have a skirt that’s ready except for the buttonholes and the hem, though. It’s from BurdaStyle and it looks as if it could be worn by a glam sailor:
I really like how the Burda patterns fit me, so now I’m tempted by a pair of pants from their site. I just can’t decide if they fall into the “glam retro sailor” category or the “mistakes from the early 80s” category. Any thoughts?
Better Living
June 22, 2010 @ 12:17 pm
Ooh, what Vogue pattern? I have a Simplicity re-print, too, but I don’t think the waist is high *enough.*
June 22, 2010 @ 11:52 am
I like high-waist pants, and I made a pair from a Vogue pattern recently, which are even higher than the Bellas! That said, I don’t like the Bella pants as much – I always think that really high waisted pants work best if they don’t have an obvious fly… but YMMV of course, and I’ve seen them made up really cute!
June 22, 2010 @ 10:01 am
Imaginary interior design is definitely productive!
I cannot wait to see the skirt and think you should definitely try some pants. I think the Bella pants would look awesome on you!