Tuesday Project Roundup: Six-Week Sweater

I finished the sweater I talked about in December from the pattern company that’s taking over Instagram: The Moosonee Sweater by Good Night, Day. I LOVE it: it’s super-stylish, it worked out beautifully, and it didn’t take me exactly one year like my last sweater.

I used cheap yarn because I wasn’t sure I’d like the bulk of the sweater, but I do! I’m not sure how the Lion Brand will wear, but this was such an enjoyable knit I wouldn’t mind re-creating it in the future.

Because of my yarn choice, I went down a needle size so I added in a few extra stitches to account for that. I also made the turtleneck an inch shorter because I hate it when they brush my chin, but I think it throws off the designer’s perfect proportions a little bit. (Still love it, though.)

That’s two successful sweaters in a row for me now. Could it be that I…knit sweaters I actually want to wear now?