The three projects I wanted to finish last week didn’t go so well–in my rush to get the knit dress done in two days so I could wear it to drink an Old Fashioned Friday night, I didn’t measure the skirt when cutting it out, just trusting it to stretch. Um, it didn’t. And the woven floral dress languished all week because I couldn’t decide whether to put sleeves on it or not. (The weather has been very confusing lately!) But I did get the t-shirt finished.
The fabric was only $4, it only took about 2.5 hours to sew, and there were no tan stripey t-shirts in any stores, so this was deinitely a winner. As long as I know the pattern fits me (ahem), I think I can say I can sew knits with no problem now.
I threw in a label in the back, too. That’s how you can tell I really like it.