Much like C.S. Lewis’s conversion to Christianity (“When we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and when we reached the zoo I did.”), I became an instant convert to the idea of a jumpsuit a couple of months ago. I blame J. Crew, as I do for many things in my life:
Yes, I know they’re very fashion-y. Yes, I know they’re not the most practical thing to wear and actually use the restroom in. But much like C.S. Lewis, I accept their fallacies wholeheartedly.
An indie designer released a knit version recently that is promised to be both fast and comfy, and I really think I may need to try it out.
Thus endeth the parable of the jumpsuit. May Bernina have mercy upon us.
(Images from J Crew [now sold out] and the pattern designer’s Pinterest page; original links there. )
I was wondering why these high-fashion union suits showed up on your Pinterest boards! Can’t wait to see what you come up with 🙂 I think these would be great for spring rayon challis.