Oh yes, it’s my birthday today! Because I’m 33 on January 3, 2013, the birthday goals/New Year’s resolutions are in threes this time around:
I. Be kind
- Give people the benefit of the doubt
- Extend compassion to myself, too
- Volunteer
II. Be calm
- “Identify the fear“
- Stay in the moment
- Go outside every day (not even to hike, just to see that there’s more out there)
III. Be strong
- Break bad habits
- Do three more yoga poses that I can’t do now (especially boat pose for longer than 20 seconds, headstands, and arm balances)
- Start saving to finish the basement and get a new car
These seem doable this year (or at least easy to remember). I think 33 is going to be good, if I can get over my eye wrinkles.