There’s A Lot of Strange Christmas Songs

I could probably keep this series going for the whole year–there’s a lot of inexplicable Christmas music out there (and apparently even “naughty” Christmas music, which…ok) [cover on that one is maybe NSFW if your workplace objects to boobs covered by the merest scraps of holiday ribbon].

Anyway, there’s a lot out there and it’s weird and there are entire blogs devoted to it, so I will end my series today with a few more that struck me:

“Santa Claus Meets the Purple People Eater”

Santa’s sleigh is about to be hit by Sputnik, so the Purple People Eater saves him. Ok.


“Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight)”

Jumping forward a few decades, did you have any idea the RAMONES recorded a Christmas song? The video on this one is epic.


And finally, maybe the weirdest one I found, only because it’s so deeply mean spirited:

“Merry Christmas You Suckers”

Drinking to excess! Getting fat! The Cold War! Um….merry Christmas?  As ambivalent as I can get about the season, it’s nothing like Paddy Roberts here.

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