The Smartest Baby in the World* is one years old today! He had a big party Saturday afternoon to celebrate. There were cupcakes:
There were so! many! colors! on the gift bags:
And there was the toy piano to try out:
It’s incredible to think that in 36 weeks you can grow a brand new human, and that in 52 more you can go from this:
To this (yes, he’s walking):
Happy birthday, Skyler!
*Totally un-biased auntie opinion.
May 8, 2012 @ 9:02 pm
One of Lance’s favorite movie quotes is, “F*** you, I’ll go make my own people.” Referring of course to procreation. Lettuce, kittens, people. Tip: Lettuce is a lot less work. 😉
April 30, 2012 @ 9:48 am
Sadly, I think he has the same amount of hair as a year ago.