I’m going to call this the summer of charismatic megafauna: First I saw a bear at the yurt last month and yesterday we stumbled on a mama moose and her calf up at Willow Heights in Big Cottonwood:
Very cool.
The rest of the hike wasn’t too shabby, either:
“Charismatic megafauna” is a good name for a band. 😀
Looks like someone had the same idea! https://soundcloud.com/charismatic-megafauna
with all the rain, I’d say we have equal measures of megaflora as well! 🙂 Beautiful photos!! have you been to Willow Creek up near Strawberry, outside of Heber? It’s just past Daniel Summit. Trail is described as a one-way 3 mile, but it intersects with a connector that loops you right back to the car — 4 miles total. http://tinyurl.com/qy2px2p
and a map: http://www.utahmountainbiking.com/trails/maps/WillowCreek-LRes.jpg