Invisible Cat!

I took the first step towards cat ownership Monday night when I bought these nice melamine bowls from Target.

I’ve been toying with the cat idea since last fall, and it’s been so hard to decide whether to get one or not. It’s not that I wasn’t sold on the idea of a cat–I love cats; Mr. Isbell calls me “the cat whisperer”–it’s that I was terrified to take on responsibility for another living creature. Would it be happy being an indoor only kitty? Would it get lonely during the day? What about a future family, how would that impact the kitty? Would I have enough money to take care of it if it got sick? (My cat struggle just reinforces my belief that 95% of pregnancies accidents, because imagine how much harder it would be to consciously decide to take on responsibility for a human.)

But I have bought bowls. And next I’ll make a fleecy throw for the kitty to sleep on. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll go look at kitties up for adoption this Saturday.

(Wilbur is still available, by the way. For the love of god, someone please adopt him!)

2 thoughts on “Invisible Cat!

  1. I can relate… About a year ago, I was struggling with the same decision. My parents have wild barn cats that they feed to encourage them to stick around and keep mice out of the horses’ grain. Well, my dad found a couple of kittens before their eyes opened and started handling them so they got semi-domesticated, and one in particular took a liking to me. Everyone told me I should just bring him in the house and adopt him, but I really wasn’t sure I wanted the responsibility. I kept dithering and what I finally ended up with was a part-time indoor/outdoor cat who comes around when he wants to warm up or get some milk and bails about the time I feel like, you know, cuddling and petting him and all the things you do with a pet. Sigh.

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