Happy Birthday, Altair

It’s my sister-in-law’s birthday today! Altair has been married to my brother for 18 years now (!). She brings such an antidote to the anxiety-fueled cynicism my family can have: She cares deeply. She loves openly. She knows feelings aren’t facts. And she’s an inherent optimist.

She’s passionate about her work and she values being a mentor to other women, which is something I don’t think she had in her early career. She recently got promoted and I had a chance to see the deck she used for her interview. It was classic Altair: funny, capable, and totally sincere.

She’s raising her boy to share her values and, while I don’t think he missed out on all of the genetic anxiety, it makes me so proud and happy to hear him say, “I love you” so much and to generally see the best in all things–just like his mom.

Happy birthday, Altair, and thank you.