Friday Unrelated Information

1. As if I needed a reason to love Carl Sagan more–check out the letter he wrote arguing for the inclusion of women into The Explorer’s Club. I love one of his closing lines:

But we presumably are adults, with a special responsibility for interacting with all humans on this planet.

It’s exactly what I want to tell people who go on and on about gender differences.

2. Have you heard that the Kilauea volcano is erupting like crazy? You can get the latest updates from the USGS here. This picture from the 6th has perhaps the most understated caption I’ve ever read:
“…lava pouring from the fissure into a seemingly bottomless crack. Napau Crater in the background. Helicopter [top right] for scale.”

I personally would have captioned this “ZOMG earth is opening huge waterfall of LAVA RUN AWAY!!!!”