Friday Unrelated Information

1. While June was a roller coaster in many ways (meteorologically, emotionally), I’m sad to see it go. Are there really just eight more weeks of summer left?

2. The Economist reflects on the end of the space age.

3. I have a catch phrase of “first-world problem” that I use to try to stop from complaining about, well, first-world problems. This graphic illustrates some of them very well:

(Click the image twice to enlarge. Via my friend Jason’s Pinterest.)

3 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. I don’t think we ever actually interacted at all in high school. If I remember correctly, you played the violin. I only remember that because I was in the marching band. I also remember that I thought you were smart but I had no idea you were also very funny.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to be positive, Anonymous! I figure I put stuff on the internet for the world to see, so it’s not that creepy when people see it. 🙂 Did we know each other in HS?

  3. I hope this doesn’t seem too weird or inappropriate, but I stumbled upon your Facebook page, and then found this blog. I went to high school with you and always thought you seemed interesting, but people tend not to like me, so I’m not very social. Anywho, after reading some of your blog I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re hilarious. I love your political views and especially how you feel about that Twilight stuff. I pretty much think your views in general are awesome–especially these first world problems. I don’t usually laugh out loud when I’m by myself, but I did when I read those. They are so true.
    There is so much negativity in the world that I just want to make sure I let people know positive things when I can, so that’s what I’m doing. You’re obviously a very gifted writer. Your blog is awesome and I hope you keep it up because I’d love to read more. Alright, I’ll stop being creepy now. Have a great 4th of July!

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