1. Continuing yesterday’s theme of detachment, here is a review of someone who’s finished going through their house according to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I am 95% finished “Kon-Mari-ing” my own house, with just the mementoes/letters/photos to go through. So I think this will be helpful to remember:

The biggest lesson that I have learned is that we are not so much afraid to let the stuff go. We are afraid to let the people go. There is something that causes us suffering in this life and that thing is attachment. The only way to ease suffering is to contemplate impermanence. Change is the nature of things. The only way to end suffering is to be present in the moment.


2. The current debate about the Confederate flag reflecting “heritage, not hate” is pretty bullshit, in my opinion, and this Washington Post op-ed makes a great point:

Never will you find a serious German politician, let alone one contending for the leadership of the country, insisting in 2015 that the Nazi swastika is “part of who we are.”


3. And finally, this. A good way to deal with any kind of haters: