1. Here’s a facsimile of a long, typewritten letter from Rose Wilder Lane to her mother, Laura Ingalls Wilder, about the early draft of By The Shores of Silver Lake. As I learned only recently, Rose was the editor–probably even the ghostwriter–of the Little House series, and an editor and author in her own right. She and her mother had a difficult relationship, so there’s a little of that, but mostly blunt (good) editing advice about finding a theme and leaving out what you can’t explain easily.

2. And here’s a quote from a memoir/cookbook I just finished (A Homemade Life) which follows a recipe about a cake named “The Winning Hearts and Minds Chocolate Cake”:

What it all comes down to is winning hearts and minds. Underneath everything else, all the plans and goals and hopes, that’s why we get up in the morning, why we believe, why we try, why we bake chocolate cakes. That’s the best we can ever hope to do: to win hearts and minds, to love and be loved.