1. Tomorrow is February 1, Candlemass or Imbolc depending on whether you’re Catholic or pagan. It’s the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, and to me it’s when I can really feel that we made it through the worst of winter. Yes, it’s still snowy, but the days are lighter and the deep freeze of December isn’t quite as strong.
It’s also a time to get all hippie, if you’re into that (via):
The word “February” comes from the Roman “februa” which translates roughly as “purification.” The Romans even celebrated a Februa Ritual, dedicated to the idea of purification. Imbolc is a wonderful opportunity to return to the original meaning of February and engage in some spiritual housecleaning….Take advantage of the “down time*” to evaluate what’s working and not working in your own spiritual practice. Throw out or re-develop the parts that might be holding you back, and then do some inventory as to why the successful bits are that way.
2. I’d forgotten how good the Bach cello suites are. I had to dig through some papers this week and put them on, and even Toby stopped galloping around the house and came in to listen.