Friday Unrelated Information

1. November is National Novel Writing Month–NaNoWriMo–so if you’ve been procrastinating, say, most of your adult life, you could take the challenge and try to get 50,000 words on paper by month’s end.

2. November is also NaKniSweMo, or National Knit a Sweater Month. If your novel doesn’t work, you could try this instead. (I, however, am knitting a vest, making it NaKniVeMo.)

3. I saw these high-design cat beds featured yesterday (click the picture to see all styles, including the “kitty pod”). Want!

4. BoingBoing steered me to this blog that showcases the painted background of animated films–lots of it is gorgeous and very evocative. It also made me watch The Sword in the Stone last night.

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