1. I think I need to remind myself not to panic about the market crash this week. Or about anything else. (I tend to panic.)
2. Although if society does dissolve into anarchy, we can welcome our new feathered overlords: I read this week that crows “seem to be able to use causal reasoning to solve a problem“–something that even chimps aren’t able to do.
3. And speaking of human traits in animals, Toby is doing his best to take over my side of the bed:
Better Living
September 19, 2008 @ 10:08 am
Shiver me timbers! How could I be forgettin’ such a momentous event? Bilmey, it’s a good thing we has a good Captain to remind us!
Gunner's Mate Isbell
September 19, 2008 @ 9:55 am
That Tobe do be awash in the blue sea of the bed!
The Captain
September 19, 2008 @ 9:26 am
Avast there matey!
Ye be forgetting to mention that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I be celebrating with a double ration of grog on the quarterdeck today. Strike the jib and hoist the Colors! Aarrr!