Friday Unrelated Information

1. My father can relate to this. It applies to me, too–just change “ten o’clock” to “two o’clock.”
A person who has not done one half his day’s work by ten o’clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone.– Emily Bronte

2. I’ve started listening to Christmas music, at home, of my own volition. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

3. Look at this sweater! There are OWLS on it. I know what I’m knitting next. (More pictures and lots of scholarly musings on craft, history, and women on the creator’s blog, Needled.)

3 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. OMG I love that sweater! It would be so cute on you!

    Also, I’d like to request photos of your closet/dresser interior. Knowing you make a ton of things and knowing you are very clean and tidy I’d like to see the culmination of the two.3

  2. Yes, you had a good idea on that. Brown or burgundy or brownish burgundy yarn with yellow eyes. Now to find that yarn…and get off Sleeve Island on the cardigan…and knit the rest of it.

  3. That will be a nice sweater for you to make…but maybe you will need to use yellow buttons for the owl eyes?

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