I read Blood Meridian last summer about the same time Lance was on a Doors kick. I got to the last chapter where the judge, massive, white, and hypoteichotic is chasing the kid across the desert… And then had nightmares that tne judge was chasing me across the desert with Jim Morrison wailing “break on through, break on through, break on through to the other side” as the soundtrack. I couldn’t finish it. Lance had to tell me about the final scene.
July 26, 2012 @ 3:58 pm
I read Blood Meridian last summer about the same time Lance was on a Doors kick. I got to the last chapter where the judge, massive, white, and hypoteichotic is chasing the kid across the desert… And then had nightmares that tne judge was chasing me across the desert with Jim Morrison wailing “break on through, break on through, break on through to the other side” as the soundtrack. I couldn’t finish it. Lance had to tell me about the final scene.